Brainfood is the Best Home School Program on the Planet

Truly the Best Home School Program on the Planet called Brainfood. Future Education Needs are here with this Incredible Solution. The World need this Solution. And so DTC Ambassador has created it. Experts in Online Marketing began working in Tutoring Solutions back in 2017. They eventually evolved as technology did to create incredible ways to grow and build the education of our Children.

We are blessed to have all the pieces to the puzzle. Elon Musk has been quoted many time on his views about Education. It is sometimes broken and dysfunctional. That is something the majority if us agree on But solutions have been short. Up until now.

This is not “Home Schooling”. Though we are big fans of Homeschooling. And for the parents and leaders that are behind homeschooling, we are huge fans. To solve the needs of the World. However, there are issues that need to be solved.

  • Sometimes parents aren’t the Best Teachers with their own children. No need to go into detail here. And a true solution needs to allow full access and transparency to the Parents.
  • A situation where the Education must be delivered thru the solution thru Educational Experts. Teacher trained and qualified on the Subject. Along with the needed skill to deliver and connect with the Student in need.
  • Must be flexible. Both in Time of Classes and the Ability to Access curriculum at the Student Time. Live Classes need to have Social Interactions.
  • Social Interactions are needed even in Virtual Interaction. Seeing peers and being able to connect and share with peers needs to be allotted in the educational process.
  • Must Comply with the State’s Requirement For Grade Advancement, Degree, and Graduation. Accountability and Testing must be done in accordance with the State and the Student.

We have this and so much more solves. Because we are a part of a huge Online Community, we are taking this to reach others globally. This is something for Parents as well as Students to participate in. This is combining the best of education together with Technology.

Some of the Benefits of Online Education through this Incredible Best Home School Program:

Best Home School Program

Flexible Online Classroom Times: All Based on the availability of the teachers, when running live classes. Imagine the solution this brings. For instance, teachers in New York could be teaching a student in Texas or Los Angeles. And even in Riverton Wyoming!

Recorded Classes Available: Allows students to still be able to learn even when they missed the “live class” or need to catch up from being on travels. It also allows advancing students to move through the curriculum. Much of this aspect is perfect.

Parents and Students have Control of their Teacher Selection: A flexible solution for the students with their Parents to select the Teacher they are going to be educated with. Because this is a Virtual Campus; the teacher’s location is no issue. And finding the teacher that can work best with the student is the key.

Costs and Funding and How They are Addressed:

This is a Private Education Solution. Setting up in the proper ways and methods allows access to funding. Once the Parent Account and Students are into the Network, the access to the information for Funding is made completely available. Youl be happy at the value this Program offer. The results are absolutely priceless. Details are available. See them here.

Every Wednesday Evening. We make Time to Share with New Families, New Students, and New Teachers on how they can join in this Education Solution:

  • WHERE WE MEET: In our Global Zoom Room (JOIN US HERE). Or you can enter Zoom Meeting Room with: 267 159 642. There is an Alternate Access Location on YouTube. See the Channel Here. From that channel, you can access previous recordings. Access recordings and updates as well. Should you find that the Global Zoom Room is Full. don’t panic. LOL. Simply Go to our YouTube Channel to access the Live Broadcast of the Wednesday Zoom Information Training.
  • WHEN WE MEET: On Wednesday Nights. 5:30pm PST / 6:30pm MST / 7:30pm CST / 8:30pm EST / 9:30pm AST. Keep in mind that we will be adding additional meeting times in the near future as we expand around the globe.
  • WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING: Bring yourself, your family, friends, students, teachers, and anyone that want to see an opportunity to be part of the solution. And an Open Mind of course. We know that through education we can compete with the Marketplace. We are getting this program known and building it to support everyone that needs this solution. And so, welcome to the Solution.

It started here in the USA. At first supporting education in and for the States, Military Bases, American Citizens all around the globe. And now it’s for just about anyone wishing to gain the American Education System that is NEW. IMPROVED. And READY to grow and expand into the future. The Education System we need. Brought to you by Entrepreneurs and a huge Caring Online Community.

Advantages to New Way Of Schooling (Or Direct-To-The-Home Education) for All:

  • This allows for Security in the Home Environment. Though teachers are guiding the curriculum, the parents are involved. We allow experts to teach the Children. With absolute oversight by the Parents.
  • This is a Virtual Solution: Allowing for absolute flexibility for the Student. For instance, travel and other experiences with the family are now possible. Be it with a Smartphone or Computer. As long as you have access to internet, learning is available wherever you go!
  • And Access to Sports and Extra-Curricular Activities are Still Available: Coverage of access for Sports and Extra-Curricular activities thrive within this Education Solution. Later on, will be covered in the Parent and Student Training Process. As a result, students can access the best in Education and Sprots and other Extra-Curricular Activities.

Get the Details and Get Started Here