
Here is a great Bio Hacking Solution that changes our lives for the better. Just add it to your morning Coffee. Health with a cup of Coffee. Live to eat and just let the Bio Hacking do its work. Melting away unwanted fat and inches.


plôs® THERMO: The weight loss catalyst. You can enjoy with a cup of Coffee, Tea, or any Caffeinated Beverage. As long as there is caffeine in the drink. It amazingly curbs our appetites! You might have to set a timer as to not forget to eat your lunch! Kicking up your energy while also Burning Unwanted Fat! It’s a perfect Weight Loss Pair along with zlēm® for Awesome results in Weight Loss.

Adding plôs® THERMO to your daily cup of coffee, you’re immediately rewarded with a burst of Energy. It does such a great job in suppressing appetite that we now have to set an alarm to eat lunch! A super effective solution along with zlēm®. A power duo for Weight Loss success. See the details about this by “GOING HERE”.

Want to hear the Lifestyle Benefits of this?

You can eat what you want and not Starve Yourself for days or do the Calorie Counting. You can enjoy true fine wines with your favorite foods. These Bio-Hacking products really help us lose weight. And by using all Six of these remarkable Bio-Hacking products, our appetites are not as humongous, and we eat smaller and Healthier portions of food. Much Healthier. Making us really appreciate these products.

Now we can enjoy coffee and wine daily and not worry about our bodies changing. Knowing we have a solution with our Bio Hacking “Snaps”, allows use to have a more carefree and great life.

brān®: This is a nootropic. After just minutes of taking this “SNAP” you’ll feel more alert. And more importantly: Happier. Any Brain fog seems to just disappear, and your mental focus is much better. I like to consume 2 to 6 of these daily because it really helps. With ADHD and Attention Issues, helping me to focus on my daily tasks and goals. I no longer consume any dangerous Energy Drinks and it’s all because of this. A real Life Changer with brān®. So happy we found this!

Learn How To Be in a State of Flow with brān®️ Reimagined! from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

byōm™️: For Gut Health. A huge need for all of us. Though it might sound silly, taking care of your Gut, also means taking care of your health. You consume food and process it better. Letting your Body to Work Less and Feel Better! As humans, we all need to eat food to survive. And we need Gut Health in order to support healthy digestions and the uses of the food. This is a huge turning point, especially for those carrying around any “Unwanted Fat”. It’s a great help in Weight Optimization!

tuün™ RESONATE: A wearable “SOLUTION” for EMF Pollution. Being in modern society, everyone you have this. It helps ground us to the Earth’s Natural Frequencies so we can be in an Optimal Frequency. Some results are seen with less stress, less fatigue, less headaches. Even better sleep, better moods, and better results in our posture, balance, and movements. Really fascinating! Once you learn more about this solution, you’ll want everyone around you to wear it. All your loved ones and the people you care about.

uüth®: The Fountain of Youth was found in this incredible “SNAP”. It’s fascinating that just taking this once or twice daily helps reverse aging and the effects of it. Wrinkles be gone! My crows feet are literally gone as if they were never there! As we age, we are taking uüth® and looking younger by the day. It additionally helps with internal joints and strength. Liquid Collagen (Highest Froms) and a Powerful Bio-Hacking Solution for us all!

zlēm®: The absolute perfect solution for Sleep. You’ll not just be Sleeping but also Sliming! If you have extra “Unwanted Fat” and the “unwanted inches from unwanted fat” then this is your best friend. Also the #1 Selling Bio-Hacking Solution we have. Sleep is essential for our well-being. With zlēm® we sleep better and see the results of our bodies utilizing our “Stored Fat” to rejuvenate our bodies when we wake up. Waking up feeling refreshed. And after weeks and months of continued use, the “SLIM” effect is something REMARKABLE.

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